Bowmanville Smiles Dental Centre - Bowmanville

Composite Fillings in Bowmanville

Composite fillings, often referred to as tooth-coloured fillings, are used to treat cavities and prevent further damage to your teeth. These white fillings blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, restoring both the function and appearance of your smile while keeping your teeth strong and healthy.
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Make Teeth Look and Feel Natural Again

Fillings are the most common treatment in our office, designed to repair and restore teeth while preventing further decay or infection that could lead to more complex dental work. We use composite resin fillings, which are matched to the colour of your natural teeth for a seamless appearance. Unlike metal fillings, composite resin adheres strongly to the tooth and can fill even the smallest spaces, meaning less drilling and a more natural look and feel.

Why Are Fillings So Important?

Getting a filling might seem like an inconvenience, especially if you’re not experiencing pain, but addressing cavities promptly is crucial for maintaining your dental health. Here’s why it’s important to have cavities filled as soon as possible:

  • Prevent Further Damage: Fillings stop cavities from growing and causing more serious problems.
  • Avoid Painful Complications: Left untreated, cavities can lead to painful infections or abscesses.
  • Restore Tooth Strength: Fillings reinforce your tooth, restoring its strength and preventing further decay.
  • Save Money Over Time: Treating cavities early can help you avoid costly dental procedures in the future.
  • Reduce Sensitivity: Fillings can help alleviate sensitivity to hot and cold, improving your comfort.
  • Maintain Your Smile: Fillings help preserve the natural appearance of your teeth, keeping your smile looking its best.

How Is a Cavity Filled?

Gentle Freezing

The process begins by gently numbing your gums to ensure your comfort. This step may cause some apprehension, but it effectively numbs the teeth and surrounding area, so you’ll feel little to no discomfort during the procedure.

Filling the Tooth

Once the area is fully numb, the dentist will clean and prepare the tooth. An adhesive gel is applied, and a composite resin (white filling) is carefully moulded and shaped to match your tooth’s contours, ensuring a natural fit with your bite.

Curing the Composite

The composite resin is then quickly hardened using a special LED light. The dentist will inspect the filling, make any necessary adjustments, and polish the tooth to give it a smooth, natural appearance that blends seamlessly with the rest of your smile.

The Cost Of A Filling In Bowmanville

The cost of dental fillings can vary based on your insurance coverage and specific needs. Generally, with insurance, you may pay between $0 and $100+. Without insurance, the cost typically ranges from $130 to $400+, particularly if multiple fillings are needed or if the cavities are complex.

    When determining the actual cost of your treatment, we consider several important factors:

  • Your current oral health.
  • How many fillings you need.
  • Where the cavity is located in your mouth.
  • Whether or not any new x-rays are required.
  • The amount of time required by the dental team to meet your specific needs.
  • The equipment and supplies needed to serve your needs.

Filling cavities promptly is very important to us. Fillings are highly effective at preventing more invasive treatments, avoiding serious dental pain, and maintaining your overall oral health. Our goal is to keep you happy and healthy by addressing cavities as soon as possible.

Contact us today

to schedule an initial consultation & exam.

Your consultation will include an examination of everything from your teeth, gums and soft tissues to the shape and condition of your bite. Generally, we want to see how your whole mouth looks and functions. Before we plan your treatment we want to know everything about the health and aesthetic of your smile, and, most importantly, what you want to achieve so we can help you get there.

Frequently Asked Questions

With a normal daily brushing and flossing routine, along with regularly scheduled cleanings and checkups, your fillings can last well over ten years.

Fillings were once commonly made from an alloy called dental amalgam, which is also known as “silver” or “mercury” fillings. Although there is ongoing debate about the safety of amalgam fillings, the Canadian Dental Association states that scientific studies have not confirmed that dental amalgam causes illness in the general population. So, if you have silver fillings, there’s generally no need to worry.

While there are over-the-counter products available for temporary filling of a cavity or minor tooth damage, they are not a substitute for a professional filling. A cavity is a form of permanent tooth damage that requires professional cleaning, preparation, and filling. Using homemade or temporary solutions can lead to serious risks, including worsening decay, tooth loss, or abscesses. It’s important to visit a dentist to address cavities properly.

If you’re experiencing severe dental pain that interferes with eating or sleeping, it’s important to treat this as a dental emergency and contact us immediately. We can provide advice over the phone and arrange an urgent appointment if necessary.

    For temporary relief, you can:

  • Apply a cold compress to your face over the painful area.
  • Take over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen (e.g., Tylenol) or ibuprofen (e.g., Advil).

Be sure to follow the instructions on the medication bottle, and keep track of what medication you take, how much, and when. This information will be useful when you come in for your appointment.

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Bowmanville Smiles Dental Centre - Bowmanville

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